oh yes. i was supposed to do this a long time ago. it's a compilation of some quotes from 208(:
-grace ( in her crappy gong han(: )
after this philo paper, you can FREE LO (philo)
-mr lim on philo MYAs
-ms leong on her bottle being uncapped
i knew that!!!
mr lim:then you all can go see RI (CRY)
us: HUH?!?!!? why must go see RI???
- mr lim on our maths MYA
stop laughing to yourself la
every class, i go in and tell the same joke. tell until not funny one
- mr lim on his cold jokes
jesslyn, you can go sit over there
- elyssa on jesslyn and her laughter
anna: oh i did a slam dunk and the glass board broke and the glass cut my leg
josie: REALLY??????
- anna & josie on anna's ankle injury
- everyone when ms tami comes around for spotcheck during ICT
next time i teach you how to hide from teachers. Alt tab
- ms tami on how to hide from teachers:D
- me on anna & angie when they ask me to treat them
me: i can't find the word la!!!
elyssa: go to BABBLEFISH ( babelfish)
me & grace: WHAT?!?!?!?!
-the three of us on the meaning of some chinese word
vanessa: how do you say shocked in french?
elyssa: uhhmmm. i know it's je suis something ... ..
vanessa: -.-
- vanessa & elyssa on french
if you care MORE, you will not be careLESS
- mr lim on exams
*said really really LOUDLY* TEN MINUTES LEFT!!!!!!!!!
- mrs abbas when we were scrambling to finish our exam paper
christine: AH!!!! PANGSAI!!!!!!!
mr lim :don't say pangsai. say BONZAI
- mr lim on christine saying pangsai
AMG!!!! Alt tab!!!
- grace on learning how to bluff teachers
anna/ angie: i have a twin sister in this class
teacher: REALLY?? are you sure????
anyone in draycott group(: :elizabeth, do your bird thing to anna again
- on elizabeth during basketball
anna FOUL!!!!! #9 OUT!!!!!! cannot play!!!!!!
- elizabeth on anna being pro-er than her in basketball
nicole:it's filial piety
grace: HUH?!?! KWAY PIE TI?????
- on MOV
can you girls please clean your blackboard? what you girls drew is not art, it's a MESS!!!!
-ms chionh on our black board
- everyone in class when the com fails us time and again
elyssa and me: WHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
xie lao shi: 还不去道歉?
elyssa and me: HUH?!?! 为什么要向垃圾通道歉?
- elyssa, me and xie laoshi on elyssa and me almost banging into a BIG dustbin
person 1:HUH?!?!? WHAT????? this is due today ahh?
person 2: uhmm. yeahh
person1:HUH. which block is it due?
person2: due by blah blah block
person1: orh. okayy. i chiong now/ during recess/ during lunch
- all of us on handing up homework(:
xie lao shi:不要管它啦。它死掉了。
- celine and xie laoshi on xie laoshi's handphone
你的心灵very the美.
- grace on our ke wen
person1: TAKE TRIP HISTORY!!!!
person2: NO TAKE TRIP GEOG!!!!!
and the fight continues for ages
- on subject combi next year
HAHS. that's about all(:
lovies, MEI YI(:
oh and this is for all you guys ( for those who haven't read my blog yet) :
hello my first ever deskmate:D i'll never forget all the pen fights that i've had with you:D amusing, i tell you(: but most of the time, i win you:D but that's because you have to use your left hand(: and thanks for so called giving me so many chances:D and i'll never forget the times when we'll gang up to bully christine(: & also the times where we had to bear with christine's singing:D thank you for making term one so fun:D i think so far, you're one of the BESTEST deskies ever(: ILY!!!!!!!
hahas. this is like the third time your my deskmate, taking last year into account(: thanks for never failing to make school fun, because you and liz just crack me up during lessons:D and although liz and i find your singing rather uhmm. not very pleasant :D at times, it never fails to make the two of us laugh(: i'll never forget all the notes that you have written to me. including the one written outside the haunted house during ora last year(: HAHAHS. and thanks for cheering me up when i cired during MYAs. and you were my dancing partner for two years(: thanks for being such an awesome dance partner(: YAY. we got honours for two years:D i'll miss all the JIVE-ing & CHA CHA-ing with you:D ILY!!!!!
term two:
hahhas. POH POH POH POH POH SHI QI ahhhhh.:D wo fei chang ke ai de deskie(: HAHAHAS, i'll never forget the time that you were sabo-ed to do something:D HAHAS. the two of us and anna were playing around when you suddenly got sabo-ed:D HEH. but you always do cute little things that make me laugh(: HAHS. & we always squabble over the most retarded things on earth(: but still, it was fun sitting with you for one term(: oh and i remember that we always like to take anna's jacket and hide it:D HAHHAS. such fun memories(: ILY, ke ai de POH SHIQI!!!!!
hello. you were superly quiet, so i didn't really talk much to you. HAHS. wormy!!!!!!!!! (: but it was fun. hahs. i bet you don't know this, but i always copy down the stuff that you write XD because i have no idea what the teachers are saying, so thank you:D HAHAS. you helped me to udnerstand what the teacher was saying :D HAHAS. so THANK YOU!!! & ILY TOO!!!!!!!(: term three & four:
well. uhmm. okayy. you were the person i sat with the longest time this year. so anyways, thank you for making me always have to pay close attention to the lessons, cause you always ask me so many questions about the lesson, i have no choice but to pay close attention. but you helped me indirectly, so thank you. & i realise that you write really really slowlyyy. & your notes are awfully colourful XD just like mine. but all in all, thanks for being such a nice deskie!! (:
hello. HAHS. i remember that i first talked to you properly because you were my CRAZY LAB PARTNER!(: and at first, i thought you were a bit weird, but as i knew you better, i realised that you're actually more than just a bit weird(: okayy la. i'm joking. thanks for being such a NICE, CRAZY lab partner(: but i don't thank you for wanting to burn my hair just because you think it was too long. i'm telling you, it's just nice. HEH. but in the end i still cut my hair. HAHAS. thanks for comforting me the other time i cried during MYAs. thank you a lot a lot. and thank you for always helping me to rub my bruises cause i get them oh so often:D they disappear really fast after you rub them:D thankies(: oh oh oh but i can't stand it when you make fun of me okayy. you know what i mean. HAHS. lols. and no thanks to you for making my mind more polluted XD HAHS. you first class pervert/ sex maniac:D oh and even though you have so many affairs, i still love you :D HEHS. but still, thank you for this year's memories. this year was really fun. I LOVE YOU, MY DEAR LAOGONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: & i still can't believe you cried yesterday:D hahas. i thought you were TOO MAN to cry(: DEREK!!!!!(: oh oh oh and i'll never forgive you for laughing at me when i fell at the discovery centre. SO EVIL!!! :D hahas. but i'll still remember all the hugs and kisses:D and not to forget licking each other:D and you licking/biting my finger yesterday(:
hello my dear. i can't remember clearly how we got to be so close but i remember that it was one day during recess that we got rather close and we started linking arms and walking back to class after recess. & that's also the day you became my laopo:D HAHAS.so fast lroh. one day then become my laopo(: HAHAS/ all the crazy memories:D going out on two sundays together was really fun(:all the photos taken all the food eaten and all the stuff we bought(: it was really crazily fun(: and LJs too(: sleeping on each other:D HAHAS. such fun(: heh. but you and your sister ah always bully me and take advantage of my nice-ness hor(: HAHAS. but it's okayy la:D i don't mind(: HEH. and i'll miss talking to you about all those stuff. where we share stuff with each other and go crazy and get annoyed:D it was so much fun. hopefully we'll still do it next year(: ILY, my darling!!!!!!!! (: and i'll never forget the countless hugs and kisses you've given me this year(:
hahas. out of the four of you, i've known you for the longest time:D ever since our tao nan days(: it's been really fun sharing so many awesome memories with you:D HAHAS. i remember the time when we went back to tns sometime this year and we were saying that we never expected to be such close friends when we're in secondary school. but now we are:D and of course this lovely friendship will last(: HAHAS. and you're not an age-ing punk rock mama:D YOU'RE SUPER HOT!!!!!!!(: trust me:D HAHAS. i'll never forget our RED JACKET CRAZE(: it was so awesome:D HAHS. and thanks for all the hugs you've given me this year.they were so awesome(: ILY, my dear. thank you for all the memories:D and not to mention, the running about, trying to get hold of ms hazel and mr lim(: and of course stalking ms ong:D HAHAS. just to get our t shirt apporved and printed(: thank you:D ILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahs. hello my dear(: you were the first ever friend i made in RGS(: we were seated beside each other in the KS CHEE and i'll never forget what you asked me: are you very quiet???? HAHAS. and of course i said no(: i remember going around with you, joey and shu xian at the beginning of last year. then later we started going with christine too. and we were all hoping that we would get into the same class when we're in sec 2 and i remember you telling me that the two of us and christine got in the same class:D i jumping up and down when i heard that:D and not to forget, during dramanight auditions, we had a little secret(: that so far only some people know:D HAHS. but i guess that we do it so often this year, it's not much of a secret anymore:D HEH. but i'll treasure these two years of memories and hopefully we'll have more:D and i think what you did yesterday was so sweet. i loved it:D i'm sure the others loved it too(: & yes, we both LOVE DANCING. but you're good too(: HAHS. thanks for this year:D ILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and thanks ELYSSA and GRACE for being such <3ly prayer mates CHRISTINE too(:
hello. you're my dear RS group mate:D HEH. i'll never forget the days when the four of us would stay up late to rush RS, scramble to prepare RS things and all and the scary presentations :O but we survived it(: HEH. thank you for being such a sweet person:D even though i do not appreciate it when you POKE ME MERICLESSLY(: hahas. but you made me rather resistant to POKES now(: thank you:D and you weren't the only one crying like there's no tomorrow. i was too XD HAHS. you're so nice and cuddly i'll miss giving you huggies(: and no, i am not skinny okayy. and you're not fat either. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
hahs. thank you for making our group always have to work hard:D but it paid off (: our group always comes up with the most awesome ideas(: HAHS. and i think you're really really hardworking and stuffums:D HAHS and you're almost always right(: i admire you, deborah(: HAHS. thank you for being such a <3ly groupie:D LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
hahs. you're superly crazy but that's what makes you esther(: and that's what makes you fun:D and i've got to admit that whenever you're around, i can never feel sad or down, because you never fail to make me laugh so so so much(: thank you for always making me laugh non stop:D be it at your lame jokes or whatever funn things you do:D i'll never forget them:D just like how you're CORNINESS is something i will never ever forget. HAHAS. and i'm pretty sure you have many corns on your feet(: [ hahas. i'm quoting you] (: but anyways, thank you for everything(: ILY!!!!!!!!!
hahas. i know you love DBSK too(: me loves DBSK too:D i love JJ the most:D ahahs. anyways, your specs are funky:D HAHAS. and your laughter is really unique HAHS. & you're such a chinese pro, you make me so envious(: because my chinese is simply horrible:D but oh wells. thank you for being such a nice classmate for two years(: LY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello. your hair never fails to amuse me. i don't know why(: HAHS. & i still don't understand why you would give up your sunday to do SL with our group. HAHS. but anyways, i pity your specs:D HAHAS. they broke so many timesXD and lastly, you're not that bad at dancing:D HAHAS. robot walk. (: HAHAS. i'm glad i picked you to do the ACP dance(: ILY!!!!!!!!!!
HAHS. as i've said, you're the cow, duck, chicken and pig hybrid(: HAHAS. anyways, we both have one thing in common - OUR ahem BEST FRIEND!!! lollers. so annoying:D hahs. but anyways, i remember that last year, you had to sit in the same spot for don't know how longXD HAHAS. and your laughter is incredibly funny(: and you're superly sensitive:D that you puked after playing the game during class outing:D HAHAS. but thanks for the memories(: ILY!!!!!!!!!!
wo de HANJINGLAU ah:D ni hao gao nehh(: HAHAS. okayy. anyways, you MATH PRO!!!!!! cannot stand you(: hahas. joking la:D super sexy ahh(: [ refering to ACP] lols. and i am fat even though i am not overweight. i am not perfectly thin and slim. HAHS. this is in response to what you wrote on your blog(: and i'll never ever forget to wave at you when i go to the gym:D it's a good thing we have cca on the same day:D LOVE YOU, my dear hanjinglau(:
you're super quiet during lessons la and you tlak so softly during lessons :D but then you can talk really loudly too:D HAHS. and i'll never forget the time you and anna were so annoyed with somebody:D HAHAS. don't scold me, but it was rather hilarious(: HEHE. anyways, thanks for these two years:D LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey hey. you're our rock star(: HAHS. prince of morocco:D HAHAS. oh no. all of a sudden i completely forgot what i wanted to say :O SORRY!!! but anyways, i want to thank you being such an awesome morocco and classmate for two years:D ILY!!!!!!!
hello. HAHS. thank you for saying that i'm a good dancer:D hahas. it's rare that people say that of me(: you're a really nice person too:D heh. and besides me, i think your name appears rather frequently on the class blog:D HAHAS. & thanks for being such an aweosme lit rep:D HAHAS. LOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe. you crazy girl, know so many guys huh. :D so scandalous, just like scandalous(: anyways, you crazy girl, tkae so many unglam photos of me huh. HAHAS(: lols. i first knew you when you added me on friendster las year:D lols. then this year we became classmates. and lols(: your fringe is super cute lahhs:D and it's ILLEGAL at times(: hehe. you cute girl:D i'll miss you muchess!(: LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey hey. i remember that last year, the two of us would wait for ages on monday to go for third lang:D we were in the same jap class and you would always be studying jap in the bus, while i would be sleeping soundly beside you:D and we would buy lots of snacks and stuff from school and we'll eat it:D HAHAS. so fun(: thanks for those memories:D LOVIES!!!!!!!!
awwww. hello my dear. at the first half of the year, i wasn't that close to you, but when we were in the same group, i started to know you better. and i realised that you're such a sweet & awesome person:D and we would always share seats during group work and come up with crazy ideas together:D so fun:D and then there came ACP. it was so fun choreo-ing it with you:D we had so many funny ideas(: HAHS. and then there was net carn:D you played so well. LOVE YOU(: and then dramanight:D HAHAS. so fun thinking of funny stuff to do to people, but we never really got down to doing them:D but it was still fun(: and the speech you gave was really touching.:D you're so awesome and sweet, i'll miss you a lot, girl and as we said on facebook, we'll go out together some day. will miss you lots. LOVE YOU, GIRL!!!!!!(:
you're also superly quiet during lessons. but i know that you were one of the unfortunate people besides me to fall at the discovery centre. HAHS. lols. my scar is still there. lols. i think yours too. but anyways, thanks for being such a nice person:D LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!
lols. i first talked to you when i was in p5. i knew you through roseline. HAHS. every morning, i would go over to your class and the three of us would talk together. then i didn't talk to you in p6 & sec1 but then this year, we became classmates:D and i think your hair during dramanight was absolutely funky(: super cool:D HAHS. thanks for this year:D <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your voice is like really really really soft(: HAHAS. but anyways, i like you jacket:D it's funky(: i like the green on itXD HAHAS. anyways, i know you are one of the people who come to school rather early:D but i never really got the chance to talk to you, since i'm always asleep in the morning:D LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahas. i remember getting a shock of my life in the beginning of the year when someone smsed me and said that she saw me on tv. i was like really shocked since i didn't have your number:D and turns put that it was you:D HAHAS. the day where everyone was scrambling to put on your back brace was funny:D HAHAS. and you're forever smiling(: HA. i've never seen you frown or sth before:D LOVEEE!!!!!!!!
hahas. hello my darling:D i remember spamming your friendster last year:D and vice versa(: and all your so called scandals last year:D it was superly amusing:D and it's funny to see you get bullied:D HAHAS. like when you get choclate all over you like yesterday and stuffums:D HAHS. i don't know if you remember this, but you're MY DARLING!!!!!! hahas. but you stole my hubby:D but it's okayy(: sonce you are my darling:D so i forgive youXD HAHAS. anyways, thanks for all the crazy memories this year and last year(: LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU, MY DARLING!!!!!!!!
hey hey(: you're the song in my SONGadiwardhana(: HAHAS. i am quoting you:D HAHS. you're so cuteeeeeeeeeee(: even though you're talllllllllll:D HAHS.remember what i told you to do, my dear(: and i think you really were very cute when you acted as antonio:D and you're superly neat it annoys me:D HAHS. i'm joking(: LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as i said before, i'm really sorry for having made you chase me for all my homework that was way overdue XD heh. thanks for being such an awesome chinese rep. and you're superly quiet too:D but anyways, thanks for all the chasing XP LOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hellooo. lols. you're so BIMBO. hahas. JOKING LA:D you're not(: eeeeeep. i also forgot what i was going to say, but anyways, i just want to say that thank you for being such a nice classmate these two years:D LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh. thanks for being so understanding when i had to rush out the ACP dance and it wasn't nice. and thanks for being such an awesome vice chair and ACP CEO. you helped to bring the class otgether for ACP. thanks for being so awesome(: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh. i know i've said this before, but you're really really really NICE(: hahas. and i remember taking the third lang bus with you once:D and sometimes we would go around during breaktime together, eating stuffums and talking:D with chen yan too(: THANKS for being so adorable:D and nice:D LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
heh. my exam deskmate:D HAHS. lols. you give me stress also lorhh. lols. i didn't stress you okayy(: but if i did, it was completely unintentional:D and thank you for that longgggg letter:D HAHAS. & in response to your P.S , i am fat:D heh. lols. if i eat more, like what you asked me to do, i'll grow even fatter :O LOLS. but thanks anyways, for the letter:D LOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey hey. i think your hair is superly cute:D especially your fringe(: anyways, your chinese also very pro. make me so envious(: EHEH. & you were superly funny during class outing:D especially during the first game(: HAHAS, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELLO. you chess pro luhh. no one can win a game against you:D HAHAS. & you're so smart. i'm so jealous XD HAHS. & your chinese is super pro too.i am jealous of that too(: HEH. but anyways, thanks for being such a nice person:D LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wheeeeeeee. MEI YI is finally done after spending ONE HOUR on this:D HAHAS. lols. anyways, just want to say, I LOVE YOU, 208!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥